Welcome to Divine Guidance
We Represent Christ
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Welcome to Divine Guidance
Learning to Hear From God
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Welcome to Divine Guidance
Perceiving the Holy Spirit
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Welcome to Divine Guidance
Divine guidance is a Promise
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“… but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God..”
— John 3:16 KJV


Our Mission

Our mission is what we do. The active verb here is invite. God progresses through gracious invitations


Our Vision

Community is where we most deeply experience God’s love and grace throughout all stages of life.


Our Faith

All Peoples are of tremendous value to God; reaching them with the Gospel is our distinct responsibility.

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Dr Ezekiel Chinyio

DGC is being launched in 2021 by Ezekiel Chinyio who has been a Pastor with Oasis of Love International (Church) Wolverhampton, UK. Ezekiel is often led by God (see testimonies) and wants other Christians to hear from God also. While many Church leaders lay claim to hearing from God, many Christians do not. However, divine guidance is not reserved for church leaders. According to Romans 8:14, every believer is expected to perceive God’s leading. DGC is thus designed to assist believers from any Church denomination to learn to hear from God.

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