About us

Christian Divine Guidance concerns communication between God (The Holy Spirit) and a Christian. Divine Guidance is promised in the Bible and available freely. Every believer is entitled to it. While some Christians enjoy this communication privilege, many more do not. DGC will benefit those who are yet to perceive the leading of the Holy Spirit in their life.

DGC is designed to pray with believers and mentor them towards hearing God talk to them. Mentors are themselves Christians FROM DIFFERENT CHURCHES AND DENOMINATIONS, who practically enjoy divine guidance regularly and are willing to support others to begin to hear from The Holy Spirit. Some of the mentors are Pastors, Ministers, Church workers and fellow believers.

DGC is unique. It is free, friendly and designed to run at your own pace. You start whenever you want and finish whenever you can. It is designed to fit you instead of you fitting the course. You can apply to DGC as either student or mentor.

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A Mentee is a believer who is primarily, but not exclusively, on the receiving end of the spiritually formative relationship.
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