How God leads: Part 5


God guides us in diverse ways. The principal and frequent way He guides us is through the ‘inward witness’ which is a burning sensation, or alert, on the inside of a person.

The inward witness was explained in more depth in “How God leads 2”. God also leads through prophecy, visions, and dreams and these were explained in “How God leads 3”. More ways in which God leads are covered here.

Audible voice

The audible voice means what it says on the tin. God can decide to speak to someone through an audible voice which will be heard clearly with the physical ears.

This form of guidance does not happen always but it could. Few examples are cited here:

  • Samuel experienced this in 1 Samuel 3:4-18. Samuel heard a physical voice and thought that Eli the priest was the one talking.
  • In Acts 9, God encountered Saul supernaturally and talked with him. The Bible records that those who were with Paul heard a voice talking (Acts 9:7).
  • Jesus was speaking to some people and a voice came from heaven and they all heard it (John 12:28-30). Jesus clarified that the voice came for the sake of those that were there. Similarly, a voice came from heaven in Matthew 17:5-6 and the people heard it. Peter confirmed this audible voice of Matthew 17:5 in his book (2 Peter 1:18).
  • After baptizing Jesus, a voice came from heaven saying “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17).

God may choose to speak audibly, but my reckoning is that it does not happen every day.

Another way God can speak audibly to us is through a vision, i.e. an open vision. Some people have seen Jesus physically in a vision and He talked with them audibly.

So the audible voice can come either on its own or in an open vision. Either way, these modes of communication tend to be less frequent than the predominant inward witness.

They should not be discounted. If God leads that way, fine and good. If He leads in another way, fine and good. The important thing is that, all the leading of god is supernatural.

When God speaks through the inward witness, people will not hear it audibly, but it is likewise supernatural. The primary drive, therefore, is to get God to speak to us, constantly.

Prayer for divine guidance

God (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) speaks with his children but many do not hear Him. It is my desire that you begin to hear Him clearly.

You may want to pray a simple prayer and ask God, in your own words and sentences, to speak to you clearly and regularly, via the inward witness and in other ways He deems fit. Remind God in your prayer that:

  • All Christians, including you, should be led by Him (Romans 8:14)
  • His sheep, including you, are meant to hear His voice (John 10:16&27)
  • The steps of the righteous are ordered/led by the Lord (Psalm 37:23)
  • When you are about to take a wrong turn, you will hear a voice saying, this is the way (Isaiah 30:21)

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